Thursday 13 November 2014

Leviticus 3 - Out from the Shadow - 9/11/14

3 - Out from the Shadow - Pastor Matthew Jones - 9/11/14

Leviticus 2 - Why Not? - 2/11/14

Part 2 - Why Not? - Jon Cram - 2/11/14

Leviticus 1 - Why? Why Leviticus? - 26/10/14

Part 1 - Why? Why Leviticus? - Pastor Matthew Jones - 26/10/14

Joshua Part 23 (22 missing) - In the World - 26/10/14

26/10/14 - (23) Joshua Chapter 21 - In the World

Joshua Part 21 - Get on With it - 12/10/14

12/10/14 - (21) Joshua Chapters 18 & 19 - Get on With it